Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Yahoo," "Search Engines"

       Re-reading my book of essays on words, I came across "Yahoo" again; yes it's a "search engine"  (which Jonathan Swift might have satirized for the sheer inhuman sound of needing an engine to search for anything), but Swift did create the "Yahoo," the lowest, least civilized, most stench-ridden being on earth, with a human form and every human vice in a land where horses are the noblest and kindest of beings.  I ended my essay this way:

           May we "Yahoos " be reminded by the reference to keep our uses

           friendly and our goals bent to extending the best that is in us

           through the powerful and pervasive computer.


  1. Though it's not to your point, the Search Engine turned the word into an acronym: "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!
