Monday, January 13, 2014

Better than "Hairpiece"?

       Lead actress Sandra Bullock, who spends a lot of time in a cramped space vehicle in the movie "Gravity," was given an offer early in the filming that she couldn't believe.

       As Mexican Alfonso Cuaron reminded her in accepting his Golden Globe award as best director last night on NBC:  "Sandra, I want to thank you for not quitting when I told you I would give you herpes.  My thick accent got in the way.  What I was trying to say to her was 'earpiece'."

       To find his inimitable and charming way of speaking at the Globes, go here.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read this, and see the video. Since you and I intentionally mis-hear things for the fun of the mistake, "herpes" and "earpiece" will join the list of great mixup opportunities.
