Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Kvelling about Henry Cavill"

       A piece in the L.A. Times Tuesday morning about why the new Superman movie is doing so well.  The little internal headline on one section reads "Kvelling about Henry Cavill."  Henry was cast as Superman and apparently is successful in the role.

       Writing the article is Steven Zeitchik who I'm guessing is Jewish and may or may not have written that internal headline.  I don't think "kvelling" has quite reached the status of "chutzpah" as a Yiddish word adopted by English but may be on its way.  Kvelling means "bragging with pride," usually about a loved one.

       You might say it's a near opposite for "cavil," which is English for picking at or taking issue with a minor aspect of something.  I'm glad people are kvelling and not cavilling about Henry Cavill!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy kvelling when it comes to my children or husband. Although of late, I find myself needing to cavil about John and his stubbornness.
