Monday, August 15, 2016

Some Word Combinations Just Resonate

       I like my morning orange juice with pulp in it; I think my mom had said way back that it's better for you, which I learned later is endorsed by dieticians, probably because of the fiber.

       One brand I was using bothered me for some reason, and I switched to another which had three orange juice choices:  "Most Pulp," "No Pulp" and the one I picked, "Some Pulp."  

       The name always tickles me when I grab it off the shelf,  the association being with the wonderful words in Charlotte's Web by E. B. White when Charlotte the spider spins those words into her web to convince the farmer that Wilbur the pig is worth saving:  "Some Pig"!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Dad! Glad to see you are back at the helm of your blog. And also, that you are still drinking orange juice *with* pulp ~


