Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Micah, Meet Micah

       Grandson Micah was in town before the first night of Chanukah.  We lit the first candle, of course, Micah saying the prayer over the light along with Connie and our daughter Elizabeth.

       Since Micah's 15 now, I thought I would tell him my favorite quote in the Bible from Micah the prophet, I reminded him, for whom he's named.  I made a kind of greeting card out of it with the quote clearly typed and which he could take with him--

       What the Lord requires of you:
       Only to do justice
       And to love goodness,
       And to walk modestly with your God.

       It appeared Micah was touched after reading it, and gave me a very big hug, which was returned.  He has been becoming an adult in several encouraging ways in the last two years, and somehow this felt to me like a seal upon it. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post, Dad! It seems perfect that our Micah, who is a good writer, was named after a *literary* prophet!
