Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Words from Songs Stick to Us

       Connie caught me in the kitchen making salad and said, "You're singing a new musical." 

       I've been reviving some favorite songs from way-old musicals lately and reveling in it.  But this was a new old musical, "Hello Dolly."  Why was I singing its title song?

       A couple moments' thought.  I figured a recent association, probably with a word.  Yes, mail opened from my alma mater, clever address and stamp on the back of the envelope, front with a big "picture" window, colorful image, and the words in large print, "HELLO, DONALD."

       Making me a star before I opened it, what could I do but sing, "Hello, Donald, well hello, Donald..."  I found myself feeling welcomed back to town, and not even knowing what or if I was singing...all the way through salad making.    

1 comment:

  1. when I was a young lady of say 8, my great aunt would come to visit us from Boston, MA for a month or so, usually during the heat and mugginess of the east coast. I adored her; my aunt/ Mary Alice Magee. She was a sadee. She wore Chanel, matched from head to toe in style and while she visited us, I knew there would be no beatings. I'd be safe.

    I wrote to her at least a few weeks a month and it appeared that she and I would develop a very secret and close relationship. I could tell her anything, and I strove never to disappoint her.

    When she died in September 1980, I though my life would go with her. My correspondent would never pen me another note with a pressed flower or a little sum of money to be saved or spent on a treat.

    One thing she did do for me was hum and later regale me with the lyrics to "Hello Dolly" To this day, when hearing that so plays on a jazz station, or I seek it out on you tube, I revert back to a place in life when trees were tall, every flower was fragrant, Chanel No. 5 was dabbed behind my ears and for a moment, just a brief set of lyrics, I can hear her beautiful voice telling me that I was "looking swell, Dolly, I can tell Dolly" and that I "belonged"; where I may never know - but maybe that is a secret left for when we meet in heaven someday.

    Thank you Don for bring back a golden memory of love. I love you, Annabelle
