Friday, March 1, 2013

Homemade Prayer?

       The language of prayer can be mystifying or arcane to many.  I myself say a few words of thanks and concern each morning, thinking about family and friends, but I don't, haven't, before meals like one of my friends and one relative.  Those two give me pause when they take a moment before eating to say a few words.

       Naomi Levy moved me to imagine I could try such a thing.  I found a Blessing over Food in her "homemade" prayer book Talking to God, a book which gives you to wonder why we don't make up our own prayers more often.  These words struck me with their simplicity and justness:

                               Thank you for plants, animals, and water.


1 comment:

  1. My prayers are answered daily. Proof, you say? YOU & CONNIE ARE PART OF MY LIFE. <3
