Friday, April 18, 2014

On Stage Fright, Part 2

[I had written out the speech, memorized it, and rehearsed it.  Listening to the other speeches that night, I thought mine would probably measure up in content.]

       When I delivered the speech, I remember the wonderful feeling of having a large audience’s rapt attention and knowing what it means to have everyone “in the palm of your hands.”  The speech went on flawlessly, seamlessly, so much so that I began to experience being behind myself watching the beauty of the occasion, until a small voice slipped in before I could stop it:  “Suppose you forgot your speech at the end of this sentence.”  I came to the end of the sentence.  I couldn’t remember the next line.  “You idiot,” I said to myself.  I knew everybody was waiting for my next words, but I was frozen.

       (Concluded tomorrow)

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