Thursday, December 27, 2012

Each Word in its Time Sees Many Uses

       With New Year's Eve approaching, perhaps bouncers might be needed for some events, but I never thought of them being "rented" exactly.

       This was my first reaction to the sign in front of a residence.  Was it yours?  Of course, there's the kind kids crawl into and jump up and down on air-inflated plastic.

       But if the kids raise too much "Hell" and become "hellions," sniffing "Hellium," we may need the other kind of bouncer anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Suddenly and with much joy, I am transported back to the early 70's and time spent in the SALPER backyard. I must admit, that at times, many a child in the backyard could be considered hellions, full of hellium; and maybe birthday cake!
